Posted in Poem

I Pray For You To Never Be My Muse

My words will hurt more than the loss
The story I would narrate will speak more than I ever did to you
No matter the pain you brought upon me
No matter how evil of you I speak
I pray for you to never be my muse.

Hidden beside the glory of being remembered eternally
There lies the misery of truth too bitter for you to taste
Your words left more scars upon my skin and beneath
I fear- so much chaos I cannot contain
Neither the excitement nor the joy
Neither the agony nor the fears.

Sure, with utter delight I would paint your pictures in colour
But wait for the colour as it eventually disappears
Do you dare to witness the hullabaloo reek?
Do you dare to see yourself step down from the pedestal within my heart and thoughts?
Do you dare to see my attempts to heal by blotching my paper-
Sometimes with ink, sometimes with colour, but mostly in tears?
Do you dare to be drawn in an attempt to be buried in the graveyard of memories?
I thought so-
In honor of the good times we shared long ago,
I pray for you to never be my muse.

Posted in Poem

The Curse Of Songs From Old Lovers

Through years of learning and madmen humming
I grew up listening to music that was a bliss,
With years of taste and daunting intellect
I felt the force of tunes could bind people together-
Sometimes in name of attraction, mostly claiming it to be a forever.

With years of experience and a few heartbreaks- a little over one or two
I was entrapped in realisations of lyrics being cursed
Not the rhythm, or the melody
Sheer words sent by a lover-
Deciphered as his eternal feelings
Too late to be reciprocated only to learn that eternity here was short lived.

Oh! That one song from him
And the another from one before
They speak of clear intentions-
A baritone saying My Love Will Never Die
And the one was it righteously named Ruin My Life?
Alas! these and Johnny Cash smugly sitting in a candidly curated playlist
Reminding me of lovers from past
A few more minutes of shattering a heart-
And hours and may be days of reliving the moments of chaos that follows a severe loss.

From one playlist, the songs might seep and merge into others
May be I’ll become numb to these tunes
May be I’ll sing the words out loud like they were my own jam
But I’ll not erase the face that appears before my eyes-
Only learn to silently smile as if the torments were tamed.

Posted in Experience, Poem

The Curse Of Empathy

Slightly grazing my hair- oh it was sunny
That day it felt a tidbit funny
Something didn’t come across as right
What was it- I couldn’t put a finger on quite.
May be those were my shoes that felt itchy
To solve the riddle, an unsettling puzzle-
I moved ahead and took a walk
I was meeting with answers but wasn’t sure of veracity
In a quest to seek affirmation
I made a decision, may be with a tinge of bizarre-
I walked further to try on shoes that belonged to others.

The first shoe was warm from misery of a lost lover
The second seeped agony from unexplainable deeds
The third harboured chaos from qualms of kin,
I could feel the sadness for one and for all
But- with an ick ’cause of my own thoughts
Thoughts- afflicted by experiences of past.
What do I do?

I stepped back in my own shoes
Alas! Now were they drenched with ideas
Ideas that might have not been mine
Reeking of stories I never lived, only attempted to empathize.
Alas! Now it’s all blurry
And my head running haywire with no decision to make-
Without considering a bit too much.
What could I do?
I was living the curse of empathy.

Posted in People, Poem

Grandpa’s Hugs Are Now A Bit More Warm

Source: Unknown

He is tall but used to be taller
Weighed down by responsibilities, shrunken with age
His ego has now ebbed away as he brims with pride-
Ah! Those grand children and their glories he cannot stop talking about or may be try and hide.

Done with his fair share of responsibilities
Still anxious to make his children and grandchildren succeed
He wishes to see their next conquest and subtly even great grand children.
Passing on the tradition from one generation to another-
He aims to keep the lineage pure
But embraces the changing times with a clear scoff.
Stubborn just as am I, we know he is kind
He is made of experience and days that were a little too harsh.

In turn of events life played the inevitable turncoat-
Left him alone with people he loved
Each day he silently sheds a tear-
As his wife who rested her head on his chest now rests in peace.
He is strong but used to be stronger
Calmness harboured by him-
I hope it never reaches stillness
Now he scolds a little less and hugs a little longer
My Grandpa’s hugs are now warmer.

Posted in Poem

Silence Of The Skin

Recently I had a chance to collaborate with Smriti Gautam on a project with subject that we share a mutual interest for- women and the overpowering emotions.

Here is a glimpse of a very strong emotion- insecurity, that women face often and how they deal with it or choose to live with it.

Artworks by Smriti Gautam

A birth mark that looks a lil’ uncanny
A beauty spot in place revealing which feels funny
Scars from the everyday battle called life
Etched on my skin is my story.
Gazing at the color-
The pensive pigments and frivolous freckles
I see myself from a stranger’s eyes
The eyes with a shattering voice caging me in notions of beauty
Peeping at the mirror- I stand, I quiver, I introspect
A narrative of glory was written only to be trapped in qualms of unfortunate desire
Alas! I cover most of it-
Forging a smile attempting to embrace silence of my skin.

Days, weeks, months and years pass
I question who am I-
I discover many talents and some experiences worth tooting
Only. If only, I had the courage to stand tall with no fear of those wretched eyes and unkind voices
Alas! I stand covering myself in a piece of cloth constantly feeling naked.
The day I break away from the chains of being wanted
The moment I learn to savour my unconventional beauty
That day shall my skin recite the glorious tale of “becoming”
Till then I’ll stumble upon zones beyond comfort wishing to nurture who I am.

A big thanks to Smriti Gautam and all the lovely ladies who shared a piece of themselves and their stories with us.

Posted in Article, Experience, People


It is not every day that you are summoned to court as a witness for a six-year-old case but there is always a first time, and this was mine. I opened the door to a policeman amidst my work-from-home task, baffled to see him, shocked to realize why he was there, irritated to know that the summon was for the very next day, and reluctant to go because I had work to do. All these feelings were transient until he said I’d be handed over a warrant if I did not show up; that turned me into a quick decision-maker I never knew I was capable of being. I informed my friends- the complainant and witness 2 (me being the witness 1 living in Delhi) who live in Himachal and both were as unbothered as I could empathize with. My dear complainant even suggested that she will say she can’t make it because she lives in another state and I should say that I am currently out of the country. We laughed at her naivety but it was my blank passport that truly mocked me. It was then decided that I will go and test the waters, and figure out if it was time for the friends’ reunion just at an unusual place.

     Six years ago while we were in Delhi during our college days, the three of us were on our way to visit some art fair or museum or crafts market, the complainant’s mobile phone was snatched by someone on a motorbike. We filed an FIR, the device was found, identified, and returned. That’s most of what I can recall from my hazy memory. Cut to 2022, I find my mother guiding me to not speak too much, be wise with my words, stick to the court decorum and I wonder how difficult a mere conversation with a judge could even be. I look around the courtroom trying really hard to relate it to the ones shown in movies and on television. From the Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix to FIR on Sab TV, I run it all in my head. With simpler furniture and less dramatic witness box, a scratchy glass wall to protect the judge, the public prosecutor and the stenographer from covid, the advocates with their cases waiting in the room instead of a supportive public as the audience, the judge simply shutting the over-smart advocate instead of the audience cheering the heroic one up, the court was different from the ones shown in movies but not any less interesting. In an attempt to compare the characters I realized that the young advocates are handsome, and the old ones are purely grumpy.
      This was a State vs Accused case. I got my attendance marked at the court and waited for my turn. The petitioner and the defense counsel had agreed to compound the case, but this could be done only in presence of the complainant. To compound is the equivalent of ‘fitoos’ in Hindi slang(IYKYK). However, my statement as a witness was needed. I went through my previous statement from six long years ago, memorized all I could, and was constantly reminded by my mom don’t overact up there and talk as less as possible. The accused and the defense counsel tried to be friendly with me for their benefit but I was taught well by the petitioner. However, I found my mother sympathizing with the accused and listening to his side of the story. I mean.. What! Every single person stood up when the judge left the room for a 5 minutes break. Everyone stood up when she came back. I mean.. Why! From having zero knowledge about the Indian judicial system to a little something from a real hands-on experience is what I achieved this day.  

   I was called to the witness stand. While waiting to be attended to I started jotting down pointers for my new blog post on my phone that is when the public prosecutor yelled that I should put my phone away or it shall be seized. Wow! Nobody had handed me a ‘courtroom for dummies’ handbook. The public prosecutor asked me relevant questions and the stenographer typed my statements with incorrect spellings probably thanking the grammar check. As I contemplated the depth of questions she was putting up, she asked if I was upset about the yelling. I giggled and said no. She suddenly shushed me for giggling and said this could upset the judge. No wonder everyone else (my deemed audience) was sitting with cold expressions. The defending counsel was allowed to cross-question me once the public prosecutor made me understand that I am supposed to listen carefully, understand, and only then reply. He smashed me with questions and concluded that my friends and I never met during the stated date of the incident, in fact, according to him none of us were in Delhi. I stood there shocked and the defense counsel reminded me of men on the planet I had dated and got gaslighted by. Congratulations! Here’s a job for you unemployed fucks. Thankfully, the public prosecutor and petitioner were there to break things down to me. My job as the witness is done. The case shall be compounded only when the complainant shows up on receiving the summon or worse- warrant.

To be continued..?

Posted in Poem

I Now Sleep Well

After ages of tossing and turning on wrong side of an empty bed
Asking myself questions about the world, the crises and vividly my own existence
I lay awake- no more; battling the torments of purposelessness
I lay naked with a blanket of thoughts keeping me warm to spend a peaceful night
No man beside- just tomorrow’s ordeals to make me feel alive.

As the sun rise- I shall embrace new beginnings with dawn
I shall set foot for my journey-
I know of directions, destination yet being anticipated.
After a day’s hardwork- I’ll smile for trying
The food will taste sweeter with flavors of progress
I shall then sleep well- visited by dreams brimming with meaning
Might be nightmares; just a little kind-
For my body shall lay too dog-tired to pay any heed.

Posted in Poem

Why Do We Love?

Exhausted by one, traumatized by another
People are fickle yet they love each other
Are we desperate, needy and alone?
Wait, let’s not set that undertone.

We act fierce; irony- in the interest of life so farce
But isn’t it healing when a friend sees your scars?
People are annoying- with those quarrels and bickering
But isn’t it cozy when a parent listens to your qualms?

People bring drama- chaos muddled in heaps
But why does it hurt when a beloved weeps?
We wish we had never known someone
But why do we tear up to see them leave for a distant land?

Happy curious excited astonished envious, wrath fear sadness confusion jealousy
Emotions too twisted to decipher
Not as layered as a person
Yet here we attempt to unravel each other.

In times of uncertainty
My thoughts being naive- they brim with curiosity
Maybe, maybe I feel and might I even understand
Still- can someone answer my question in words that are clear
Here again I ask- ‘ why is it that we love’?

Posted in People, Poem

A Meal So Scrumptious

Image source: The Japan Times

Not one not two- there stood a queue never-ending
Each one splendid with joy
Holding a spot for the friend beloved-
For a gathering dressed down- a little too rugged
Ushering the loved ones gleaming with joy
What was the occasion! I could only wonder as a passerby.

Curiosity led me to the front of the line
Whilst I heard the intense remarks of a day being gracious
Oh to my surprise! It was a celebration
Oh to my dismay! An ill served meal was the occasion .
Hungry stomachs and tired hearts were being fed
But what happens to the day that comes next?

Coins scarcely managed for a day of survival
Shall now be kept aside for a daughter’s dowry dragged till the law-approved age
Or even better saved for a son’s education
Empowering him to work at a humble position in an office barely fancy-
An upgrade worth aspiring from the startling slums!
With dreams being fuelled- indeed, the meal was scrumptious.

Posted in Artwork, Photography, Poem

The Cupid Paradox

Garment – walking__vertical
Muse – Rakshit tariyal
Creative direction and photography- Akash Patwal

The roses on earth are colored pink, yellow and white
Somehow it is always the red that them people crave-
Layered and beautiful, tender yet fierce
Erotically scarlet- so has he been told
The cupid struck the arrow
But he understands not
Not blind, but colorblind-
The rose he sees is not red.

Two people meeting together,
At times even ‘some’ becoming one
The usuals, straights, queer, extraterrestrial what not-
All the glitters, butterflies, drama and hate
The cupid knows what did he create
But he feels not.

The magic in the air, a spell hard to get rid of
Red flags decorated as dainty-
A little too in love to ignore
A sweet disaster worth the taste, a tempting high worth the chase
The cupid sees the forbidden fruit
But he desires not.